DCBIA Encourages Members to Sign on to Hire Local DC - A Single Point of Access for Hiring DC Residents!

Good jobs are plentiful in the Washington area, but DC residents are not securing nearly enough of them.

Many employers and organizations are working hard to fix this problem, but their efforts are not coordinated and they face barriers and challenges along the way.

Hire Local DC believes that by tackling these challenges as a Coalition, we can support more DC residents in securing good jobs and achieve a more equitable recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.

Modeled after MetroNow, Hire Local DC provides a single place for employers to coordinate their efforts to strengthen the local talent pipeline.

We offer a single point of access for the government to reach the employer community and for the employer community to coordinate with government and non-profit providers.

We help employers share resources, create alignment across their individual initiatives, and work together toward common goals.

Through events, a regular newsletter, our website and engagement with individual employers, we pursue three primary activities:

  • Run an Ongoing Campaign to Encourage Businesses to Hire Local DC Residents
  • Help Employers hire local DC residents
  • Enable collaboration among employers, providers, and government to strengthen the local talent pipeline for DC employers

Sign up to receive the Hire Local DC newsletter.




Earlier this year, DCBIA launched a new committee. Read about DCBIA Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Committee efforts HERE. The DEI Committee is co-chaired by Anitra Androh, Nelson Mullins and Lamont Bessicks, Lewis Real Estate Services. Email us if you would like to join the committee.