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LinkedIn Training: How to effectively articulate your “personal” brand story

October 25, 2022 @ 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm

How to effectively articulate your “personal” brand story and positioning on LinkedIn to set yourself apart

Your business relevancy is now tied to your online presence


LinkedIn: How to effectively articulate your “personal” brand story

Tuesday, October 25

1pm to 2pm 

Via Zoom 


97% of potential client’s check your online presence before deciding to contact you or work with you, and the first place they go is NOT your website — it’s LinkedIn.

This is where your online reputation begins and where your social activity should begin. If you are inactive, have outdated information or negative or limited professional recommendations, your profile will be quickly abandoned for another resource.

Join us and discover:

  • Why “Your Story” is one the most critical components of your LinkedIn profile
  • That your LinkedIn profile is a sales tool
  • What to optimize to immediately increase your social visibility
  • Why the top of your profile is as important as the bottom


Benita Samuels founder of Visibility Solutions Group,  is a visibility expert, digital engagement strategist, and LinkedIn subject matter expert. Beginning her career in New York City, working on brands including New York State Department of Economic Affairs (INY), Nestle™, and Share Our Strength, afforded her the opportunity to explore the many aspects of traditional, digital and social media marketing. Leveraging her years of global experience, Benita now leads a team of category experts focused on increasing the digital visibility of business professionals, organizations, and entrepreneurs by strategically leveraging the digital and social landscape to increase their presence, and name recognition; and turn their social connections into quality conversations.

Event Sponsor:



October 25, 2022
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm


October 25, 2022
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm