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September 1 @ 10:19 am

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September 8, 2022 @ 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm

Using C-PACE Financing


Tommy Wells, Director, DC Department of Energy and Environment


  • Andrew Bridge, SVP, Business Development Officer, EagleBank
  • Dave Yampolsky, Senior Vice President, Community Three
  • Jonathan Seabolt, Managing Partner, Clearwater Capital
  • Alissa Curry-Briggs, Executive Director of Commercial Real Estate Lending, FVCbank (Moderator)

Join DCBIA in person as we explore how to make the most out of C-PACE Funding for your next project.

C-PACE is special financing for multifamily, condominium, and commercial projects for property owners and developers to use for energy efficiency, renewable energy, or other green projects. This innovative funding structure allows builders to access the capital they need to develop clean and efficient properties and is usually provided mostly by private investors or through some government programs.  Used for the Audi Field project and the 950 3rd Street NW condominium project, this new funding option is garnering a lot of interest for projects in every quadrant. Participants will learn how funding has been used in previous projects and receive information on how PACE works for commercial and multifamily properties.

This session is hosted by DCBIA’s Capital Markets Committee (co-chaired by Alissa Curry-Briggs and Shawn Weingast, Acumen Companies),

DCBIA Capital Markets Committee Presents:

Using C-PACE Financing

Thursday, September 8, 2022

12:00 Noon – 1:30 PM

Goulston & Storrs located

1999 K Street NW, WDC, 20006

DCBIA will follow all DC public health protocols for this indoor event.