January 10 @ 9:19 am
DCBIA Housing Committee: Update on Expanded IZ & Comprehensive Plan
July 31, 2020 @ 9:00 am - 10:00 am
DCBIA Housing Committee Co-Chairs Clint Mann, President of Urban Pace and Charles Warren, Principal of Teass | Warren Architects invite you to hear from Jeff C. Utz, Director, Goulston & Storrs and DCBIA Board member and Co-Chair of the DCBIA Public Policy & Regulation Committee. Hear from Jeff on DCBIA’s work on the following housing-related initiatives:
Inclusionary Zoning Plus
In January, the Mayor has announced the Expanded Inclusionary Zoning proposal, which would increase the IZ set-aside requirement to up to 20% for zoning map amendments, without PUDs, that provide greater density. Hear more about this proposal and DCBIA’s leadership and engagement on this proposal.
Comprehensive Plan
The Mayor transmitted the Chapters of the Comprehensive Plan to the Council on April 24. The 1,500-page legislative package is available in three parts (1, 2, 3). Council hearings and votes on the Comprehensive Plan are expected to be held in the fall and winter, after working with Councilmembers and stakeholders over the summer. DCBIA played an influential role in the Framework element that was passed in 2019. We have reengaged the Comprehensive Plan Working Group to review and shape the remainder of this document that will guide future development in the District.